May to July 2023 Status Update

Andrei Jiroh Halili
3 min readAug 28, 2023


If my Autistic self doesn’t hoard fandoms like digital hoarders committing digital piracy for personal use, then we should be fine.

Cover image, made with Canva.

This post is first published on Hashnode and then on Substack, and has been cross-posted here on Medium for discoverability (and possibly as a workaround on algrothmic downranking of Substack links).

Sometimes, being busy in school I miss posting status updates by a few weeks up to the point I’m considering going quarterly status updates instead of doing this every two months, although like ~sircmpwn, I might not be able to do it on time and maybe get consolidated into one to avoid backlogs on the pile of Substack drafts behind the scenes.

By the way, I’m late for this, but happy first anniversary over at my personal Substack (it is created on 2022–06- if you don’t want to peek into the DevTools Network tab).

For fanfic writers and fan artists, here’s your another (cursed) prompt hellscape

Sure, I might technically be having a field day in both the Lackadaisy and Murder Drones communities (and more), but yeah…

If you’re viewing the tweet as a screenshot on the Substack edition of this post, apologies for the outdated username/screenshot.

(If you have no idea about Yupia (or WTFBBQ why we’re talking about Story X in Gildedguy’s Discord about that), then please behold and watch “Erase Humanity” on YouTube.)

What about Ranboo’s Generation Loss?

That was nerve-wracking to watch, especially MTRCB would (technically the video description mentioned it) rate this as R-18. Also bless anyone who were traumatized after the finale (context via this custom Red Screen of Death below).

Who thought we need this ungodly Red Screen of Death to commemorate GEN 1? By the way, Showfall Media is sponsored by your local Bullshit HQ.

If you want a bit of mixtaping from hell while we wait for the official soundtrack, here’s my SoundCloud playlist (you can also find this on YouTube and Spotify at your will).

The “what could go wrong” Twitter handle change

To make my username match across platforms, I decided to officially change mine after literally years being stuck on my childhood-ish Twitter username (good that older posts before I reach 13 were automagically nuked to hell as part of birthdate change for obvious privacy reasons)

But before that happened, I did some switch-and-bait on Keybase behind the scenes and this happened. Musk always loves violence against third-party devs and literally every single API user, but maybe backend changes on Keybase’s side caused this chaos to happen.

Link to issue:

At least the school year is done

Well without going to hell (and back), having thoughts about actually digging my own grave (spoiler: clip from Eclipse Lake episode in The Owl House) and even getting a coffin for myself as a neurodivergent overworking while balancing between school and personal projects.

Although there’s a blog post behind the scenes about that since a few days before the ceremony, that didn’t get published on time for personal reasons (maybe I’m late for weeks) and burnout hit me like the bus factor.

That’s it, by the way.

See you in September (or October if things get busy real quick) for the Senior High School hell month edition, although I may take a hiatus from writing blog posts to warm up for the next school year as needed and recharge my social battery again. There will be more to cover than this because taking a bit of sabbatical on personal projects (especially on ones under @recaptime-dev) and having field days on my special interests.

I’m Andrei Jiroh, and now signing off. Have a nice day!

Have any comments on one of my blog posts? Start a new discussion on my public inbox by sending a plaintext-only email to ~ajhalili2006/ (make sure to read the etiquette in sending email to a public mailing list) or contact me privately, and I will try to respond to you as much as possible. If you’re receiving this from Substack via email, just hit reply.



Andrei Jiroh Halili

Open-source maintainer and backend JS dev at Recap Time Squad, multifandom, #ActuallyAutistic blogger, currently student.